The key to good science is good research.

At the heart of good research is a good data set.

The beginning of a good data set is properly catalogued points of datum….

With the field observation and encounter log from Curious Research, you can easily keep track of your investigative information all in one place, making it easier to review cases and readily see comparisons and contrasts between them.

Whether out in the woods “Squatching”, in a backroom gathering EVPs, or using high-tech gear to track UFO/UAP activity, this easy to carry, pocket-size scientific data log is the perfect companion for any field researcher.

Click to buy your copy now!
Welcome to the official Curious Research experiencer page.

Here you can share your personal story of experiences, encounters and more that we will use on air and bring before our professional guests.

Are you a targeted individual?

Have you had an encounter with the paranormal?

Have you seen a Sasquatch or other Cryptid?

Have you witnessed a UFO/UAP?

Are you a government whistleblower?

Share your experience with us today and help further research into these unique fields of study!


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